So... I've been dealing with a lot of my own drama lately. I've been overwhelmed with scary and intense situations. I've experienced panic attacks. Strangely enough, I just realized this morning that I've been a lot more concerned with how OTHERS are dealing with this, how it's affecting the people I Love, and what their opinions are of me and the circumstances. This morning while listening to awakening music, I remembered how small I am and how insignificant in truth these temporary arrangements are in proportion to what's going on in the world. Sometimes I can get so immersed in my own stuff that I forget what's really important. I go into this terrible and traumatic tunnel vision, and I stop seeing everything around me. During these times I truly am very self-centered and egotistic. I start imagining that I am separate from everything and everyone else. I can get incredibly self-indulgent and throw raging pity parties or worse yet, become paralyzed in fear of the unknown and/or impending doom. I remembered some things this morning. I'd like to share them with you if you feel like reading. If you feel like you've been drowning in your own doom maybe. If you'd like to wake up. I'm writing this to my Self, but you are more than welcome to join me in Revelation and Epiphany.
Whatever you're going through, it's temporary. Whatever is hurting you, it is entirely a matter of your perception. 99% of the things you're worrying about will never come to pass. All of the tragedies and turmoil you've encountered (you have to admit) you never saw coming. You forget that we're not running the show here. You forget that you're not the director and that everyone in the play is not bound to behave or think the way you feel they should. You forget that your problems are of a very high quality. You forget all of the daily things that you take for-granted. Things like hugs, the sky, a soft and warm bed, your health, pens and paper, music, books, FRIENDS and FAMILY... You don't want to drive because the weather sucks. In moaning and groaning about that, you miss every single miraculous snowflake and in so doing, you completely miss the point that as spectacular as they are, they are each different from one another. Like us. You forget that ALL of life is change. The essence of life is change. You get stuck in a rut and get bored. You're not noticing that everything about you and around you is in a constant state of change. You can walk past a stone in the morning and walk past the same one in the evening, and it will be different. Maybe not noticeably, but that stone has changed during the day. Jobs come and go. Friends betray and surprise you with kindness you didn't know they had in them. Children die. Accidents happen. Flowers pop up out of the ground without cause. None of these things are "good" or "bad". They are all just there to give you a field of relativity upon which you can base your perception of the experience you are having called Life. We cannot have Spring without Winter, we cannot have health without illness, we cannot have day without night, we cannot have music without silence. So don't criticize what you initially perceive as "bad". Recognize it as the opposite of what you enjoy and accept that you cannot have that which you cherish without it's equal opposite. If you really want to learn what inner-peace is all about, take it a step further and EMBRACE your pain. EMBRACE your sorrow. Celebrate it. These trials are just the downhills to the hills you will be traveling up on the other side of them. Cry if you feel like it. Our society teaches us that we should repress our feelings. That we should stuff our pain away and not emote when our emotions are boiling over within our soul. When these feelings come up within you, express them. Yell if you need to. Break something. Paint. Write. Sing. Burn love letters. But for God's sake (and your own), OWN your feelings and honor them. A wise woman once wrote "The only way out is through". We don't get "over" things. We get "through" them. Likewise, when you are blessed enough to be overcome with joy, don't take a moment of it for-granted. Relish it. Cherish it. Let the laughter of a child sink into your very soul. Watch bugs. Look up into the sky and notice the stars and realize how very small you are. There are people all over the planet and the majority of them have problems that are immense in comparison to yours. Many people are wondering when they will get something else to eat. Many would be eternally grateful for just a sip of unpolluted water. And here we are complaining about the price of gas that we need for our guzzling and indulgent cars. We complain about our children making noise, when there are people in the world who aren't able to have children, or don't know where those children are. Or worse yet, are holding a sobbing child who is sick and the cause of the illness is unknown to all.
What I'm saying is that this life is all about perspective. Take a moment, just a short moment, at the beginning and the end of the day to think about and write down two things you are grateful for. You can re-train your mind to think toward the positive. You can see the same life you're living in an entirely new and exciting way. You can be happy. Right now. Happiness is a choice. We all have to walk through steps in life that we're not particularly excited about, but really... when you think you know what you want and you get it, how many times has it turned out that you REALLY wanted that particular thing or event? I've come to believe that WHAT IS, is what's SUPPOSED to be, and there's something much more knowledgeable that has better ideas than I do. Therefore, I am renewing my vow to go where I'm led, and be of service in the highest capacity I am capable of. I have learned that I am not defined by who Loves me or what anyone thinks of me, but by HOW I Love others. My actions dictate the way I feel about me. No one has the power to take my dignity or divinity away from me except my Self. And I'm just so tired of denying my highest self the opportunity to affect the world in the way I know I can and should.
There are no accidents. Every event and circumstance in our lives we have called to us, whether consciously or not, to present the perfect opportunity to learn and grow from in a way that serves our highest good. When we choose negativity and pessimism we choose to take up space on our planet and stagnate in our spiritual growth. Make a difference. Smile at a stranger. Give away something precious. Don't be resentful when you are asked to contribute, be grateful that you have something to be able to give. Research and discover what you believe in passionately, and then take a stand for that. Don't be one of the sheeple. Be a shepherd.
Life is for giving. Not for getting. Remember Who and What you are. You are divinely unique, talented and capable, and HERE FOR A HIGHER REASON than for that which you've been living. Live High. Don't hide. Let go of your baggage. Feel everything. Get deep. Make it your life's purpose to discover what happens when you leave here. That Revelation will change your entire purpose while you still exist. And don't forget, that you are what you condemn. Give everyone a break, including yourself.
After I began writing this, I was called in to a meeting regarding my job. There are going to be BIG changes, and I welcome them. I am excited. Would I want to keep doing the same thing day in and day out for very long? I am trusting that the plan in store for me is better than any I could devise. I'm watching the reactions of my co-workers and I'm grateful for my current state of mind.
Before I finished this, I also found out that my beloved Brother and wonderful Sister-in-law are going to have a baby. Finally! Out of my seven cousins, I am the only one that has any children and I have four ranging from 18 -2 years old. What a blessing!!! What a wonderful event. I am smiling at God in Her infinite wisdom, for confirming my renewed perspective, and reminding me of what is TRULY important.
I'm going out on a limb here, and guessing it's going to be a boy.......